What is the relationship between our website and the M365 BMWMOA Website

What is the relationship between our website and the M365 BMWMOA Website

LOE Website Forum Home FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions What is the relationship between our website and the M365 BMWMOA Website

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  • #95840
    Avatar photoJonS
    LOEBMWR Forum Admin
    3 Topics15 Replies18 Total Posts

    The LOEBMWR.org website and the BMWMOA Member365 website are two separate sites that are in no way connected.

    LOEBMW Rider’s club members use the BMWMOA site ONLY for membership related activites. That includes renewing your membership and paying your membership dues (you will receive a renewal reminder email a couple times prior to your renewal date), downloading your LOEBMWR membership card and viewing the list of current LOEBMWR members. You must be logged into the BMWMOA website to complete all of these actions. You also use the BMWMOA site to join the LOEBMW Rider’s club.

    The LOEBMWR.org website is used for everything else including any important club announcments, informing members about upcoming activities and events and RSVP’ing for them, and posting information on the Forum. You must be logged into the LOEBMWR website to post replies to the Forum.

    The logins are different for the BMWMOA Member365 site and the LOEBMWR.org website. If you are logged into one website you are not also logged into the other website. You will log into each website separately.

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LOE Website Forum Home FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions What is the relationship between our website and the M365 BMWMOA Website