Cloudcroft – any riders here?

Cloudcroft – any riders here?

LOE Website Forum Home Club Organized Rides, Activities and Events Cloudcroft – any riders here?

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  • #97068
    Avatar photogarytalda
    10 Topics38 Replies48 Total Posts

    Thinking about doing some of the easier BDR sections.

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    • #97131
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      10 Topics38 Replies48 Total Posts

      Thanks Dan for a great burrito and an even greater ride!  I really appreciate your patience and wisdom, even though I am not sure I am young enough to learn to be a flat-tracker!


    • #97103
      Avatar photoDan Erhard
      0 Topics5 Replies5 Total Posts

      Yes to the burritos,  but please folks, do not bring me 48 eggs.  I’m bringing everything needed for about 20 burritos.  That should do it for saturday.  Sunday it makes sense for people to leave for home, and stop for breakfast on the way.

      I just can’t find the space in my fridge, for 4 dozen additional eggs.


    • #97102
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      Thanks!  I am not seeing a whole lot of dirt riders coming so good reason to just enjoy some easy dirt.  Oh well looks great to me.  I have zero interest in waking up super early to ride closed roads!  Any burrito plans this year?


    • #97099
      Avatar photoDan Erhard
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      Yeah, lots of closed roads. 5000 buck fine if you get caught on one. That’s nationwide.  I ride closed roads before 8 am. The florestas meet at the hq  at 8, plan the day, etc. Rarely see them, or anybody else out there before 8 am.

      Some roads have gates, if left open, I take it they could give a shit if you are in there, except elk calving season. These roads are open to bicycles, horses, etc. Just no motors.

      Good route plan. That part from sunspot to weed is not graded, but it’s easy. No rock staircases, just some of it never maintained.

      To getting sunspot you have to ride the paved highway, but it’s a favorite!

    • #97098
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      10 Topics38 Replies48 Total Posts

      OK looking at this route.  Sandy suggested Gaia GPS as well.



    • #97097
      Avatar photogarytalda
      10 Topics38 Replies48 Total Posts

      wow looking at the interactive map looks like there are A LOT of closed roads….

    • #97096
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      It looks like you can’t actually get from the observatory to the FR90.  Google maps satellite view and the interactive map don’t show anyway that they are connected.

      Are you thinking of leading an easy ride?  I am mapping the one you suggested with fr460 just in case, looking at the other easy ones as well.


    • #97088
      Avatar photoDan Erhard
      0 Topics5 Replies5 Total Posts

      Yes you will pass the sunspot observatory either on the way to, or the way back from the west side road. Unless you go  by way of weed.

      A really good map of roads legal to ride in the forest is the interactive visitor map. Shows all forest roads nation wide.

      The easy road to weed is near timberon, FR 460, connecting to a well graded county road in weed.

    • #97085
      Avatar photogarytalda
      10 Topics38 Replies48 Total Posts

      Thanks!  FR90 looks Great.  Daniel recommended a route over to Weed from there I am looking at.  Question: Can you get from the observatory to FR 90?

    • #97070
      Avatar photoDan Erhard
      0 Topics5 Replies5 Total Posts

      Most definitely up for some bdr. Haven’t rode west side road (fr90) yet this year. Its been hot and dry that low most of the summer, but it rained some on it last week.

      All the really easy dirt roads like russia canyon, penasco canyon, etc are looking nice this year. Lots of rain recently up by alamo peak and sunspot, so its not all dry and hot on top this year, as it was last year.

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LOE Website Forum Home Club Organized Rides, Activities and Events Cloudcroft – any riders here?