The Legendary Shaft March 2024

The Legendary Shaft March 2024


  • Letter From the President
  • Spring in New Mexico: 3 Seasons All At Once
  • The Progressive Breakfast Report Out
  • The View from Turn 1 - Part 2
  • Club Monthly Breakfast Meetings / Rides and Other Calendar Events
  • Searching For New Officers - Treasurer and Communications
  • OSO Grill Ride
  • 2024 Riding Challenge - Legendary New Mexico (with some weird stuff mixed in)

CLICK HERE for the Legendary Shaft Newsletter March 2024

This year March has become the middle of Spring, which pretty much started last month. Still, it's been pretty typical so far. Sun, rain, snow, hot, cold – we've got it all here in New Mexico. In the same week! The new issue looks at February's Progressive Breakfast, the second installment of Amy's View from Turn 1, and lots and lots of ride planning. Get out your calendars and get ready to ride. It's going to be summer any day now.


  Want to see your story and / or pictures in the Shaft?

We're willing to publish just about  anything in the monthly Shaft newsletter and give you the by-line so everyone will know it was your contribution to our newsletter.

Send in your stories, opinions, pictures, gripes, etc. Computer files are easiest, but you can also scribble it on a piece of paper and mail it - we don't care! And don't forget...we LOVE lots and lots of pictures, even without a full story to go with them. Simply include a few comments we can publish with your pictures.